Tuesday 27 May 2014

#BEDM Day 27 - National Barbecue Week

Day 27 of Rosalilium’s 'Blog Every Day in May' Challenge

Hidden away in a corner of our back garden, we actually have a purpose-built barbecue shelter - in 4 and half years living there though, I think it's only been used a handful of times.

If it ever stops raining for long enough, I've already bookmarked a few recipes to try from around and about the t'interweb...
 Barbecue food
 Source: BBC Good Food
Barbecue food
Source: BBC Good Food 
Barbecue food
 Source: BBC Good Food

Halloumi and Shallot Skewers
Barbecue food
Source: Good Housekeeping

Have you managed to have any barbecues yet this year?


  1. To answer your question we had just one, courtesy of my mamma but lets forget that for a mo to talk about your BBQ shelter!!! I can see how something like that would go un-used, especially with the Great British Weather but I'd commit some serious crimes for one of those. Love it.
    And BBQ'd sweet potatoes are delish.
    M x Life Outside London

    1. We really do need to get round to using a bit more often. You and Angela (and anyone else really) would all be more than welcome to pop round for a burger or two! :-) xx


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