Sunday 25 October 2015

A Photo Every Hour - Saturday 17th October

October's Photo an Hour challenge fell on Saturday 17th October - the same day as Taunton carnival (although at this time of year, any Saturday will fall on a Carnival day) :-)

8am - Up early to get ready to head out to an NCT sale in Frome (we'd heard they could be a bit of a bunfight!)

9am - Just about to leave and our garden is beginning to look very autumnal.

10am - Inside the NCT sale and despite what we'd heard, it's rather well organised and very civilised!

11am - Back home and sorting out some of the bits and pieces we picked up at the sale (and just in case you missed it on Twitter, we found out a few weeks ago that Findus is apparently Findina) :-)

12pm - Dropping off some books at the library in Wells before catching the bus down to Taunton to mooch round the charity shops before the Carnival (Andrew was driving down later in the afternoon to join me).

1pm - On the bus, somewhere near Somerton, about halfway to Taunton.

2pm - Ready for charity shopping!

3pm - Just in case I'd forgotten why I (and everyone else) was there today...

4pm - Time for a stop off in Wetherspoons for a cuppa, a sit down and a toilet break.

5pm - Whilst waiting in Primark for Andrew to arrive, these babygro/vest thingies accidentally fell into my basket...

6pm - Back at the car and enjoying some dinner before heading out to find a spot to watch the procession.

7pm - Carnival selfie with me, Andrew and the brother.

8pm - The first of the large floats arrived passed us (if you hadn't guessed, this one is based on the film, Madagascar).

9pm - The last of the large floats (and the end of the procession), Harlequin Carnival Club with their entry based on Phileas Fogg's world tour.

10pm - About halfway home.

11pm - We left the sorting out til Sunday morning!

This month we had 20 lovely bloggers joining in:

Jane from Is That Your Darling joined in on InstagramTwitter and on her blog
Shazza from Sunshine and Celandines joined in on InstagramTwitter and on her blog
Kerri from Crumbs in the Bed joined in on InstagramTwitter and on her blog
Rachel from The Inelegant Wench joined in on Instagram, Twitter and on her blog
Rachael from Dear Ms Leigh joined in on InstagramTwitter and on her blog
Elise from Elise and Life joined in on Instagram and on her blog
Jennifer from Adventures in Pop Culture joined in on Instagram and on Twitter
Josie from Tales From The Finch's Beak joined in on Instagram and on Twitter
Dee from The Life of Dee M joined in on Instagram and on Twitter
Susie from Second Hand Susie joined in on Twitter and on her blog
Laura joined in on Instagram
Rebecca from Just Me joined in on Instagram
Emma from Oh Gosh joined in on Instagram
Rebecca from Writing, Fatshion, Me joined in on Instagram
Siobhan joined in on Instagram
Erika from Quiet Girl Noisy City joined in on Twitter
Lucy from Lucy in the Clouds joined in on her blog
Bev from Confuzzledom joined in on her blog
Hazel from World of Joy joined in on her blog (and wins the award for most exotic photo an hour post!)
And of course, myself here on this post, plus on Instagram and on Twitter :-)

November's date will be Saturday 21st November - which falls on Glastonbury Carnival day, the last of the big Somerset processions for the year!

Also, check out what I was up to in...
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