Wednesday 21 May 2014

#BEDM Day 21 - Workspace

Day 21 of Rosalilium’s 'Blog Every Day in May' Challenge

On a small scale, my workspace desk is rather boring, full of paperwork and files but on a larger scale my wider workspace is a veritable menagerie of fluffy, flappy, hoppy things!

University of Bath Campus Menagerie

University of Bath Campus Menagerie

 University of Bath Campus Menagerie

University of Bath Campus Menagerie

University of Bath Campus Menagerie

University of Bath Campus Menagerie

University of Bath Campus Menagerie

University of Bath Campus Menagerie

University of Bath Campus Menagerie

And for a bit of a short (10 second) Wednesday giggle, take a look at Mrs Duck giving her little one the boot...

What's your workspace like? Any wildlife?


  1. Awww duckies! I love ducks!

    My workspace is a shared office with 4 guys - it's a great laugh! Beyond the office, there's not a lot going on in the area, so no lovely spaces to visit on lunch breaks (except the local bakery...mmm)

    1. Ooh I think a bakery near my workplace would be very dangerous! We do have a coffee shop which serves very nice hot chocolate - that's temptation enough methinks :-) x

  2. Haha - oooops! Poor little duckling; I bet he waddles faster now! Sadly my workspace is completely free of ducklings, squirrels, and bunnies :( I definitely need to get a new job!!
    P.S. Although, on the plus side, I get to walk to work every day; which I love.

    1. I bet he does! She certainly wasn't having any of them hanging around! :-) xxx

  3. I guess you could call my two kittys my wildlife seeing as I work from home and they are my company, even the odd squirrel runs under the window every now and again!

    1. I think they definitely count - that's wildlife! :-) x

  4. OMG! All I could think was "My dogs would go mental there!!" x

    1. Dogs are allowed on the campus! (although the signs do say to keep them on a lead) I'm sure they'd enjoy all the wildlife anyway, it's all very tame :-) x

  5. This place is amazing! He, she, baby ducks AND bonus rabbits in one photo frame?! Amazing :) x

    1. And in the back of the picture, just to the left of the fence post (which doesn't show very well unfortunately) is a squirrel! :-) x

  6. Betty would have a field day here.
    M x Life Outside London


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