Sunday 8 June 2014

An A-Z of Me - A

So yeah, I've seen those A-Z thingys floating around on other people's blogs - some people do the whole alphabet in one post (Cat did one recently, for example) and some people do one letter each time (Chelsea's been doing one for a while and great minds think alike, Rhiannon's just started one!).

 I thought I'd jump on the proverbial bandwagon and do my own. I though it'd be quite fun and if nothing else (without sounding too morbid), at some point (hopefully) in the far distant future, if I go first, Andrew can use this list as inspiration for what to read at my funeral ;-) 

So fairly obviously, first up is A.

A-Z of Me - A

So starting in the top left and working round, A is for...

Annuals - I started collecting annuals kind of by accident. My Auntie had a Bunty 1970 annual which was left in my Gran's house and when we used to visit, I used to read it from cover to cover. I loved it so much my Auntie said I could have it (this was sometime in the late 80s) and then I kept spotting other ones in charity shops and soon had built up quite a collection. At the last count, there's over 100 of them - Bunty, Judy, Mandy and Jackie annuals - with the earliest being 1963 and the most recent from 2008. They're much harder to find nowdays though and people know their value!

Avon - Yup, I spent about 3 years working as a 'ding dong' Avon lady. It was mainly for a bit of extra pin money, I know there's people out there who make a fortune from it but for me, it was a bit of fun. I gave it up back in January when it became a bit too much hassle going out in the evening knocking on people's doors as well as having IVF, working full time and trying to do my Masters degree.

Anglesey - One of my favourite places in the UK (possibly my absolute favourite). We spend every Easter on holiday near Holyhead and I love it. We've been going there since 1987 and staying at the same holiday cottage park; the owners have watched me and my brother grow up and are friends really, rather than just someone you pay for a weekend away. As a kid, we always stayed for 10 days but me and Andrew usually only stay for the long weekend now due to not having the time off from work. I'd throughly recommend it to anyone - it's like Cornwall but without the commercialism!

Alisha's Attic - Ahh, my girl band of choice when I was a teenager! I can still recite practically ever word to all the songs on their first two albums (although I'm not sure if that's a good thing...)

Airplanes - My life has always seemed to have something to do with those flying machines. My Dad worked for the MoD and obviously liked anything military so we spent quite a few camping holidays in sites next to RAF bases (there's a great site opposite RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland!). I had to wait until I was 16 to actually fly anywhere myself though, my Dad took me to Florida and I absolutely loved the whole experience especially the take-off and landing part. On the way home, we got to go into the cockpit as well and meet the pilot (it was back before the days of high security when all you had to do was ask politely). Fast forward a few years and I meet Andrew who at the time was making parts out of metal that were eventually going to be used in military airplanes!

Aberystwyth - The pen is from Aberystwyth University and that's who I'm doing my Masters degree with. It's in Information and Library Studies and is all delivered by distance learning. Aber isn't somewhere I visited much as a kid but it's a strange sort of place; out on a distant limb but with a magical pull that makes you really miss it when you're not there. I've been getting my Aber fix recently by catching up with BBC4's Hinterland series - well worth watching!

Andrew - well yep, he's the long-suffering other half. He even gets a whole tag dedicated to him on here called 'husband'.

And lastly (the one where I couldn't find something to put in the picture) Alexandria - not the one over in Egypt but the one west of Glasgow; that's where I was born, on a cold winter's day in a hospital on the banks of Loch Lomond!

No doubt I've left out several things which I'll probably remember when I'm on about H or something.  
Anyway, what 'A' things sum up you? 


  1. You always have so many great Blogging ideas! Well A sounds pretty good. I remember reading Bunty and jackie Annuals ( hand me downs from older cousins), have holidayed in Anglesey and well Alicia Rules the World. Might have to nick this idea the future. ;0)

    1. Aww thanks Sharon! You should definitely have a go doing your own, i've really enjoyed reading other people's A-Z's - it's a great way to take a nosy into someone else's life! :-) x

  2. Good list :) Andrew is very lucky to have his own tag- maybe I'll tell Tom I'll give him one too, once he makes an honest woman of me :p Trying to think of "A" things for me and struggling. The only one I can think of is my childhood teddy bear, also called Andrew (after my cousin, not your husband- that would be odd!), who resides on top of the dresser in our dining room. I guess I could add "Art" to my A-list, but after that I get a bit stuck... :s The alphabet is hard! xxx

    1. Haha, yep that would be odd! A for Art is a good one - I think I was quite lucky with A, I'm really struggling to find things for Q, X, Y and Z though! :-) xxx

  3. I love the A to Z of Me thing, it's so fun to do! Although I've definitely struggled to think of something on a few letters! I used to have a Bunty annual which my aunt gave me, I wonder what happened to it... xxx

    1. Thanks Chelsea! At the moment, I'm really struggling for Q, X, Y and Z - although at least I've got a bit of time to try and think of something :-) xx

  4. This is marvellous! Can I pinch??
    And more importantly have you spied Kate and Wills in Anglesey or is that a surprise for another letter??
    M x

    1. Ooh yes, go for it! And nope, no sign of Kate and Wills just yet (although I have spent quite a bit of time watching the pilots doing their training around RAF Valley so who knows, he might well have been in one of the cockpits!) :-) xx

  5. This is a great idea,I might have to steal this at some point if you don't mind? I never see anyone selling Avon anymore but I heard that some people did quite well from it.Also,those annuals are so cool,I've seen a few in charity shops before! xx

    1. Yay, go for it! I'll look forward to reading both yours and Michelle's A-Z posts! :-) xx


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