So ignoring the fact that this post is what...6 months overdue? Well, as the clichéd phrase goes, better late than never, ha.
On the photo an hour day in May, I was 5 weeks and 4 days pregnant. We'd only just found out the previous Friday that our frozen embryo transfer had actually worked and morning sickness was just beginning to make an appearance. Our families knew and a couple of close friends but to the outside world, it was just a normal May bank holiday.
8am on Instagram - a perfect Saturday morning of bacon sarnies and reading The Simple Things.
8am in reality - bacon sandwiches seemed to be about the only thing I could keep down and I couldn't really concentrate enough to read much of the magazine.
9am on Instagram - A gorgeous sunny day on our way to a steam rally.
9am in reality - Usually I would've stayed on site at the steam rally, but what with feeling ill (and Andrew not wanting me to ride in his rather bumpy 1952 lorry) I stayed home and just went for the day.
10am on Instagram - We'd arrived at the steam rally and it was still sunny.
10am in reality - Well, this was pretty much the same, we'd arrived and I was trying to drink a cup of tea whilst wearing those seasickness bands around my wrists.
11am on Instagram - Looking at all the old vintage vehicles.
11am in reality - I'd begun to feel a bit better so we took a quick walk around the site.
12pm on Instagram - Still looking round at all the exhibits.
12pm in reality - Just on our way back to Andrew's parents caravan for a sit down because I felt absolutely shattered.
1pm on Instagram - Tea and cake in vintage china at a stall on site.
1pm in reality - We met up with some friends (who knew the news) and I did actually manage to eat a whole piece of cake and not feel too bad.
2pm on Instagram - Shiny vintage vehicles (this one is Andrew's)
2pm in reality - I popped out from the caravan to take the picture before going back for a nap.
3pm on Instagram - Still a lovely sunny day.
3pm in reality - Same as before, it was a case of taking a nice-looking picture and then going back for a sit down.
4pm on Instagram - Afternoon tea.
4pm in reality - Much the same, just tea.
5pm on Instagram - Sunny days and country lanes (just leaving the rally site).
5pm in reality - We were actually running a bit late as we had a wedding evening do to attend later on and still had to buy a card on the way home.
6pm on Instagram - Country fields.
6pm in reality - Dashing home to get changed and wrap the present up before the party.
7pm on Instagram - Snack food.
7pm in reality - I really fancied salty stuff at that point so Andrew bought a savoury snack selection and crisps from M&S for me to try.
8pm on Instagram - Red shoes and red dress for the party.
8pm in reality - I was struggling to find a nice outfit that would a) have long sleeves and hid the fact I was wearing seasickness bands and b) not be too tight across my stomach because I already felt like anything tight was a no-no. Oh and add that to the fact that the party was 20 minutes away and we were supposed to arrive at 7.30pm.
9pm on Instagram - Party balloons.
9pm in reality - The smell of food was overwhelming and the venue was rather hot, I kept having to nip to the toilet and outside for some fresh air!
10pm on Instagram - A happy bride and groom with their family.
10pm in reality - Wondering what's the earliest we could escape from the party without looking conspicuous so I could go home and sleep.
11pm on Instagram - On the way home.

11pm in reality - On the way home, thank goodness!
So yep, Instagram isn't always what it seems - especially on that occasion!
Jane compiled the round-up that month - if you fancy seeing who took part 6 months ago, pop over
here and take a look!
Also, check out what I was up to in...