Wednesday 23 November 2022

A Photo Every Hour - Saturday 19th November

Saturday 19th was the date chosen for November's photo an hour challenge. Here in Somerset, it was the last of the large carnivals for this year, taking place at Glastonbury. The carnival club I'm a member of were doing a walking entry this year, using costumes and a theme from a previous year, back when we did Alice in Wonderland in 2018. So my day was spent having a hearty breakfast, a bit of a rest and then getting ready to take part in the procession!

Here's what the day looked like...

12 lovely others joined in:

Sarah joined in on Instagram
Jennifer joined in on Instagram
Kezzie joined in on Instagram
Bev from Confuzzledom joined in on Instagram
Susie from Second Hand Susie joined in on Instagram
Christine from Christine Lucas joined in on Instagram
Jennifer from Pastry and Purls joined in on Instagram
Rebecca joined in on Instagram Stories
Jane joined in on Instagram Stories
Lucy joined in on Instagram Stories
Denise joined in on Instagram Stories
Nicky joined in on Instagram Stories
And myself on Instagram and on this blog post :-) 

December's photo an hour date is Saturday 17th December - see you there!

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