Tuesday 6 May 2014

#BEDM Day 6 - Passion Projects

Day 6 of Rosalilium’s 'Blog Every Day in May' Challenge

Am I weird? (and no, don't answer that...)
I'm actually quite fond of my current job and really like the career I've chosen to study for my Masters degree (librarianship) - so consequently I can't think of any specific thing I'd love to do instead.

However....there's certainly lots of ideas that me and Andrew have bounced back and forth. Things which have no real way of actually making us a living but would certainly be fun to do nontheless!

Monopoly Money

So what do you think about any of these for us?

- restorer and repairer of vintage jukeboxes

- owner of a Carnival-themed holiday park in the middle of the Somerset countryside

- holiday planner and organiser for people wanting to travel round the UK to see fabulous theatre shows and comedians

- owner of a 50s and 60s themed vintage tea and cake shop

- information tracker-downer (a kind of facts and figures detective)

- Carnival float ideas consultant

- de-cluttering expert

- travelling showman with the fairground

- advisor on how to restore vintage vehicles

- cataloguer of anything and everything

Not exactly sure how any of them would actually keep a roof over our heads though!

What would you love to do to make a living?


  1. I would be first to visit your carnival holiday park! And would sure need your cluttering skills too. As for the information tracker downer, the job title is just too good to not be one! X

    (Ps had a bit of a tablet malfunction and managed to post as my friend above then can't seem to delete it properly, sorry for ruining your beautiful blog!)

    1. I'll get my business plan sorted for the holiday park then! :-) xx

  2. I'd love to own an antiques mall, or a record store ... hmmm. But then i'd probably not sell anything because i'd be too attached to it!

    1. Ahh, I can see how that would be a problem :-) Working in a library, I just wanted to borrow all the books and if I did run a cake shop, I think I'd find it hard to not eat them all! :-) x

  3. I'd like to very enthusiastically vote in favour of the tea shop. With a jukebox in the corner!!

    1. Of course! More than likely, there'd be several jukeboxes! :-) xx

  4. I would love to go to a carnival themed holiday park and as for vintage tea rooms.Big smiley face. :)

    1. Haha, if there was some way of guaranteeing I could make money from it, I'd be there! :-) x

  5. Owner of a tea and cake shop is up my list too! I'd love to combine it with a little bookstore as well. It's good to have dreams, right?

    1. Absolutely! I think running a tea and cake shop would be just fab :-) xx

  6. I'd love to be a de-cluttering expert. I find clearing stuff out to be so therapeutic; plus you'd get to snoop through other people's stuff! My absolute dream job would be writing for an interiors magazine. I could go on about blankets, armchairs, and duvet covers for days on end! xxx

    1. That sounds like a cool job! (although I know I'd end up wanting to buy everything!). And snooping through other people's stuff legitametely - that would be amazing! :-) xxx


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