Thursday 30 May 2013

Car Boot Bargains

The steam rally we attended last weekend was made all the better beacuse the field opposite hosts a car boot sale every Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holiday Mondays!
Car boot sale
Saturday morning me and the mother-in-law ventured across and came back with some annuals (to add to my burgeoning collection), some Ladybird books, some cards and a shirt for Andrew.
Sunday morning me and Andrew strolled over but the day wasn't fortuitous and we came back empty handed.
And Monday morning, we found a house clearance stall selling everything in boxes on the floor for 20p each - managing to pick up some vintage-looking crockery for pennies.
Postcards and vintage maps
Birthday cards for 50p each - will be saved for Father's and Father-in-law's birthdays in September
Old maps for £1 each - Torquay was where Andrew spent many childhood holidays and Merseyside is where my Mother's family are from
Ladybird books
Fabulous Ladybird books! Andrew's a mechanical engineering technician so I thought the Metalwork book might teach him a few things! :-)
Judy and Bunty annuals
More annuals to add to my collection - all at £2 each
Vintage china
Vintage china
Vintage china
Beautiful crockery for 20p - and a little ceramic pot pourri bird for 50p


  1. I'm in LOVE with the last two pictures, those things are so beautiful! I never seem to find anything so nice at car boots, I only ever end up with books. And while we're talking books: yay for the duck books!

    1. Thank you - I've been playing about with taking pictures in different ways! :-)

      It doesn't matter if you always get books - books are always good, you can't go wrong with a good book! :-) x


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