We have mostly been...
Planting - lots of tulip and daffodil bulbs in our front garden, mainly in the new flower border Andrew made when he altered the driveway a few months back. I didn't plant anything obviously, just got things organised and gave directions from the sofa.
Finishing - a few books (mini review thingy to follow at some point) and my knitting for my crutches (pictures to follow soon) :-)
Achieving - our first proper trip out complete with wheelchair, crutches and plaster cast. We went off to Gillingham Carnival procession in North Dorset to watch the parade and do a spot of judging the entries. From my point of view I think the trip was successful although I'm not sure what Andrew's take on pushing me around would be...
Judging - all the floats at the Carnival procession. It was my second time this year judging and it's always interesting to see how each of the entries have changed since I looked at them back in August; most of the clubs usually add things to their floats or costumes during the season and I reckon there'll still be some more things to be added before the big procession in Bridgwater on November 1st.
Wearing - my new knitted black sock/bootie thingy (you can just see it in the shot above) which Andrew's mum finished knitting on Friday. It's not exactly fashionable (although wonder if I could start a trend?) but it does the job of keeping my little toes warm.
What did you get up to at the weekend?

Good work on your knitted squares - they look lovely! Looking forward to hearing about what you've been reading :) xxx
ReplyDeleteGood to see you're getting out and about! I loved pushing Joe around in the wheel chair when we sit the supermarket I have to admit!