Wednesday 21 August 2013

The Midweek Hop - Make Em' Laugh!

The other half's guest post - three songs on a theme...
(inspired by Desmond Carrington's 'The Music Goes Round')
'Ami E 120' 1953 Jukebox

This weeks theme is...Make Em' Laugh!
Inspired by the annual "Funniest Joke of the Edinburgh Fringe" competition
Won this year by comic Rob Auton's joke:
"I heard a rumour that Cadbury is bringing out an oriental chocolate bar. Could be a Chinese Wispa."

Three novelty songs that were only designed to do one thing - and that's make people laugh!
1. Purple People Eater Meets Witch Doctor by The Big Bopper

Take two silly records, mix them together and produce one even sillier record!
'Purple People Eater Meets Witch Doctor' was never released as a single.

2. Lily The Pink by The Scaffold

Alcohol? Drugs? Medicine? Apparently Lily The Pink cures all!
'Lily The Pink' entered the chart on 6th November 1968 reaching Number 1. 

3. Mahna Mahan by The Muppets

Is there anyone who doesn't love this song?
'Mahna Mahna' was first written by Piero Umiliani in 1968 and bacame a hit for The Muppets in 1969.

Happy listening!


  1. "Mahna Mahna" is one of our favourite songs. We always sing along madly whenever it comes on in the car!

    1. It's such a fab song, however down you feel you can't help smiling when it comes on! :-) x


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