Wednesday 11 March 2015

Here Is The News #36

Here is the News

Blogland Brilliance

How cute is this 1950's style DIY dachshund doorstop?

Erin put together 40 brilliant book-inspired crafty ideas for World Book Day.

And to celebrate the day itself, Kezzie became a musketeer! (the Dogtanian theme tune now needs to be running through your head on repeat)
I love this post by Cecila about the bitchy resting face, it really struck a chord. Andrew's most common question to me is "what's the matter now?" when it's usually absolutely nothing, just that apparently I look like something's wrong.
Siobhan's snippets of married life post is just brilliant and oh so true as well.
Kerri's passive aggressive rage is fabulously funny and very accurate (as always) plus her shots of the Botanical Gardens are pretty great too.
And Michelle has a rather snazzy new haircut!

Food Porn

Harriet's chocolate and raspberry brownies look delicious.
And if you're of the canine persuasion, Sarah's doggy birthday cake would be perfect.

Interesting Info

I do like this article by Standard Issue about grammar, some very sensible points and I bet you'll laugh at the Cameron Diaz bit.

Royal Mail's
new stamps celebrate some of Britain's most beautiful bridges.

Dog Love

Sarah's pooch, Dixie celebrated his second birthday.

Anna shared how Pepper is getting on after 5 months.
Michelle mused about her love for her four legged friends.

And happy days, Dudley is back!

What's new with you?


  1. Kerri's passive aggression is much like my own, we're kindred spirits in that regard haha.

  2. Awww, thanks for the mention. I love the grammar article and those book ideas are super!x

  3. Thanks for the shout out! I'm glad my passive aggressive is so well received! I'm definitely keen to do some more posts like that!


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