Monday 9 June 2014

This Weekend at the Duckpond

We have mostly been...

Watching - the D-Day Live screening on Friday night. I bought Andrew two tickets for his birthday - sadly I couldn't afford proper seats in the Royal Albert Hall but two cushioned chairs in the Wells Film Centre in the town down the road did us just fine.

D Day Concert at Wells Film Centre

Travelling - down to Exeter by train (not from where I live though, I had to travel 15 miles to a train station, thank you very much Dr Beeching!). I got on in windy, chilly, rainy weather and arrived just over an hour later in Devon to a lovely sunny day!

Train travel to Exeter

Attending - the South West Blog Social held at The Oddfellows Bar in Exeter. It was a fab day, a bit strange in the way it was structured but still really interesting to meet so many other lovely bloggers. There'll be a proper review tomorrow!

Enjoying - the company of some absolutely spiffing bloggy ladies - Angela, Michelle, Chelsea, Kim, Alex and Sarah - I think it's safe to say a good time was had by all!

Fabulous bloggy ladies

Chopping - theatre and comedy shows from my massive list of 'things I want to see at the Edinburgh Fringe'. It's that time of year again; the offical programme launch was last Thursday and there's a whopping 3193 things to choose from. We're there for three days, plus one evening and one morning.
My list originally contained 51 shows.
That ain't gonna work methinks.
After spending a couple of hours 'show-juggling' though, I've got it down to 22 which I've managed to fit neatly into the time we've got up north; it'll be hectic but that's just the way I like it.

What did you get up to at the weekend?


  1. Wow! 22 shows? You're going to have some aching stomach muscles from all those belly laughs :p I'm in the process of blogging about my weekend, but keep getting distracted by cookies! Story of my life... xxx

    1. Ahh cookies (and cake) are a good distraction though! 22 shows is about standard for us - it's a mixture of comedy and theatre so hopefully our stomach muscles will have a bit of a chance to recover inbetween! :-) xxx

  2. Ooh envious of your Fringe trip, enjoy! Also gutted that the SW Bloggers meet is outside of my vicinity! Looks like you had a fab weekend x

    1. Thanks Cat! I'll try and take billions of pictures :-) x

  3. So jealous of the blogger event and meeting the lovely Michelle!

    1. She is properly lovely in real life as well! Next time we all meet up, you're definitely coming along :-) xx

  4. Wow looks like you've been having a fun time, and I've always wanted to go to the Edinburgh Fringe! I hope you have a great time :)


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