Saturday 15 March 2014

52 Lists - Things You Want To Make

This week's prompt is all about things you want to make...

52 Lists - Things You Want to Make

1. Bunting for our conservatory

2. Our house into a home

3. A Christmas-themed 50's-style dress

4. Three thriving vegetable patches in our garden

5. Possibly a duckling...?

Have you got any projects on the go at the moment?

This post is part of Ema's (Made in Hunters) 52 Lists Project
For a full list of all the other lovely bloggy people taking part, visit Scarlett's site (WorkRestPlayLove) for a nosy!


  1. This year I really hope to make my own skirt and hopefully a dress :)

    ~ K

    1. Ooh, good luck! I've never made a skirt (or a dress actually) but I want to try and give making a dress a go - even if it does turn out wonky and lopsided :-) x

  2. Oh I love the idea of growing your own veg - which is basically one of my big reasons for having a decent sized garden when we have a house. I'm currently trying to work through my cross stitching pile and making a new crocheted blanket, but i'm sure when we finally get a house i'll be up to my elbows decorating.

    1. Hah, yep, we're still decorating bits of our house and we've lived here 4 years!
      I've never tried crochet - you'll have to share some pics of your blanket when it's finished! :-) xx

  3. Veg, yes!!
    Crossing all of my bits for some duckling success too!
    M x Life Outside London

  4. Oooh, I love a bit of bunting!

    I want to make a spring/summer wreath to live on my front door for a few months. I am being slightly stymied by the lack of artificial flowers that I like. I'd also like to tidy up, rearrange and make the house nicer. You phrased it so much better than I did!!

    Fingers crossed for a duckling! xx

    1. Thanks Angela! I saw the pics on Instagram of your floral wreath - it's so pretty!
      I know what you mean as well about the housework and tidying, there just seems to be a never-ending pile of 'stuff' everywhere (and we haven't even got the children yet!) :-) xx

  5. I hope to finish decorating our house too- we've been here for 3 and a half years, and for about 3 of those several doors have been without doorhandles! That's just the tip of the DIY-laziness iceberg too. I'm keeping fingers crossed for a duckling for you :) xxx

    1. Thanks Katie! I know all about DIY-laziness; silly thing is, with the other half being an engineer and pretty handy with a screwdriver, our house should be all up together - shame work has to get in the way all the time! :-) xxx


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