Monday 17 March 2014

This Weekend at the Duckpond

We have mostly been...

Cleaning - the kitchen. Yep, it sounds like an incredibly boring task but it's funny how something so mundane can make you so happy!

Clean and tidy kitchen

Pruning - the rather large and over-mature apple tree in our back garden. We now have plenty of firewood for our chimenea!

Pruning the apple tree
Feeling - decidedly middle-aged by starting our Sunday by a visit to a local garden centre to buy some hanging baskets.

Whitehall Garden Centre

Creating - a Facebook page for this little blog. Something I've been meaning to do since I went to Blognix last June and inspired by the lovely Angela and Michelle's Facebook pages, I thought I'd better get round to it!

 Facebook Page

What did you get up to at the weekend?


  1. Love the colour of your kitchen! Looks like a nice productive weekend :) We managed to fit in cleaning, visit to the car boot and a nice walk in the sunshine. x

    1. That sounds like a good weekend! All the decent local car boot sales near us haven't started yet, hopefully they'll be up and running in a few weeks though. :-) x

  2. That sounds like a fantastic weekend, Louisa! I shall have to show your apple tree to my little one in the is massive! This weekend we went to a comics con in London and frolicked in the sunshine :)

    1. I only wish I'd taken a picture of the tree before Andrew started hacking at it! It definitely needed doing though, the branches were beginning to reach the first floor of our house!
      A comic con in the sunshine sounds like a fab time - you definitely picked the right weekend for it! :-) xx

  3. I am in love with your kitchen, it looks perfect! And now I'm off liking your facebook page, great idea! :)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Sooz! I might just have to do a kitchen photo tour at some point :-) x

  5. Clean kitchens make me happy :) I'm just writing about what I've been up to this weekend at the moment! xxx

    1. I think it's definitely a sign of getting old - give me a bit of cleaner, some wipes and stuff and a few hours later, I'm one very happy duck! :-) xxx


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