The seventh instalment of my attempt to catalogue 100 Happy Days... :-)
Wednesday 12th March
It's rather sad when two lovely work colleagues and friends leave the office for pastures new but on the plus side, we did manage to wangle closing our office over lunchtime for a slap up meal at Gourmet Burger Kitchen!
Thursday 13th March
Two types of chocolate brownies freshly baked for a suprise 'leaving' tea party for the two people leaving our office.
Friday 14th March
We've been meaning to buy a new sofa for ages and finally, we got round to doing the last few measurements and deciding (for certain this time!) what we're going to buy.
Saturday 15th March
After a day of cleaning and tidying, we made proper hot chocolate (just real chocolate and hot milk) and topped it off with some marshmallows.
Sunday 16th March
Monday 17th March
It's Monday. Pasta bolognese is about all we could manage to make. The combination of carbs, tomato and cheese though? Delicious.
Tuesday 18th March
Along with the whole feeling old thing, managing to get 3 weeks worth of shopping for less than £60 makes me very happy indeed (and also very sad).
Wednesday 19th March
The Book People arrived at work! The man delivers them safely to our shared kitchen next to the office and then it's a mad dash to oooh and ahhh over what suprises he's left this time.
Thursday 20th March
My copy of Pretty Nostalgic magazine arrived today and coupled with an evening meal of Spaghetti Carbonara, that made for a pretty good evening!
Friday 21st March
Previous instalments can be found here...

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