Blogland Brilliance
Sophie is right, there really is nothing like a Bimble birthday and it looks like he had a fabulous fun-filled day - happy birthday Bimble!
Gemma has had a ingenious idea for a travelling bloggers book - might be worth keeping your eyes open in case it comes your way!
Gorgeous girlies Leona and Chelsea went off to the brilliant Becky Bedbug's wedding snapping away throughout the day.
And Leona's little woofer, Rex celebrated his 4th birthday this week - happy birthday Rex!
Zoe asks the question 'is it too early to think about Christmas?' and I reckon the answer is no, it's never too early to start thinking about it (says the girl who buys her cards and wrapping paper in January and keeps a beady eye out for potential presents all year round).
And Jane is all about the joy of tickets - which I completely agree with, although if I kept every single ticket from all the shows and comedians we've seen, I think I'd have several boxfuls by now!
I'm quite excited for...
Thanks to a tweet from Lily, I discovered that Five Guys are opening up a branch in Bristol, plus apparently Bryon Burger and MEATliquor are moving in as well - Bristol will have more burger joints than they know what to do with!
(I'm well aware that this is all old news, I'm sure)
This week I've bought...
Andrew's Christmas present - tickets for this in Bristol in January (he says he's too busy to read me blog at the mo so putting this here should be okay)
Interesting Info
Artist Simon Beck has been creating these beautiful and ephemeral pieces of artwork on a beach near Burnham on Sea.
I never knew the UK was home to 250,000 Belgian refugees during World War I; the BBC has looked at how they disappeared without a trace.
Watch 1000 years of European history in just over 3 minutes - it's quite fascinating to see how it all changes!
This week's Carnivals...
Take place in Frome, Somerset and in Axminster, Devon
What's new with you?
oooh, thanks for the heads up on the travelling book!!! So cool! x