Tuesday 8 July 2014

National Transplant Week 2014

This week is National Transplant Week in the UK. I can't give blood at the moment (due to trying for a duckling and various IVF drugs) but one thing I can do is sign myself up to be an organ donor.

Source: Transplant Week Website

It's something I've though about doing for a while, just never got round to actually filling out the form. I know some people feel a bit uncomfortable about the idea of donating parts of your body when you've passed away (Andrew won't do it for example) - it's all down to personal choice and whatever anyone wants to do is fine.

For me, I've signed on the dotted line to donate all of my organs apart from my eyes. I don't really know why, I just felt a bit uneasy about someone else having my eyes - which is completely silly I know, but then again, the NHS Organ Donor Register lets you choose which things you want to donate so it's fine to leave that one out.

Source: Transplant Week Website

I'm not going to try and persuade you one way or another but if you're like me and want to do it and have just been too lazy to fill in the form, then this week is as good a time as ever!


  1. I love that you've made this post, it's all about awareness and well done for finally registering.
    It's something that I never see mentioned on blogs and as something that is very close to my heart as one day it's likely I will need a transplant, I know friends who have had their call in time & sadly some that haven't it's a very important message to get out there x

    Belle x Part of Belle's world

    1. Thank you Belle, I agree. I've never had anyone close to me need a transplant but it's still an important thing to do if people can. xx

  2. Thanks for the reminder- I signed up when I was a teen but I've never been sure if I did it properly. I know what you mean about the eyes thing, but I reckon if I won't be using any of my bits someone else might as well! Although I might add a caveat to make sure they feed my stomach plenty of cake :p xxx

    1. Haha, perhaps even if you didn't add a caveat, whoever got your stomach might still end up liking cake! I like to think that if anyone ended up with my heart, they'd find themselves liking theatre and comedy :-) xxx

  3. Thanks for sharing this, I've been an organ donor for years, my sister in laws first husband had a terminal illness and although he died when he was only 28 he was given some extra years due to an organ transplant, it's a very special thing to do. :)

    1. Thanks Sooz, signing up is such a little thing to do but as you say, it could make a huge difference to someone else's life xx


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