Friday 4 July 2014

52 Lists - Things In My Bag

What's In My Bag
HTC Mobile Phone
Glasses (for distance and driving)
Kobo Arc Tablet
Fold-out Mirror and Hairbrush
Lipstick (Avon 'Really Rosy')
Foundation Compact (Avon Cream to Powder stuff in 'Nude')
Keys (for our house and my drawers at work)
Notepad and pen
The handbag used to belong to my grandmother, I'm not sure where she bought it, I think it might have been at a market years ago but it's pretty good and has lots of pockets!
What's in your handbag?

This post is part of Ema's (Made in Hunters) 52 Lists Project
For a full list of all the other lovely bloggy people taking part, visit Scarlett's site (WorkRestPlayLove) for a nosy!


  1. These are my favourite kind of posts :) your little bird notebook is adorable xxx

    1. Aww thanks Katie! Andrew bought it from a little gift shop in Frome as one of my Christmas stocking presents last year :-) xxx

  2. I love having a nosy at what people have in their bags as it varies so much at what people think are necessities to carry about with them. Love your notebook and your bag :)! xx

  3. My handbag contains many, many crumbs, a toy that Lucas has shoved in there, pens galore, a crochet garland (for no apparent reason), purse, and loads of receipts. Actually, I'm going to go and clear it out now!

    1. I love that your bag contains a crochet garland! I imagine it to be a little bit like Mary Poppins' bag! :-) xx

  4. Snazzy bag! And how organised are you?? It all looks beautifully neat and tidy...I'm jealous.
    M x

    1. I'm the sort of sad person who empties out their handbag every night and gets rid of the crap! :-) xx


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