Monday 28 April 2014

This Weekend at the Duckpond

We have mostly been...
Bird-watching - these two lovebirds perched on the garden wall at the back of our house. It was pretty clear what Mr Pigeon was after - Mrs Pigeon didn't seem too impressed though!

Pigeon lovebirds

Baking - some cheese and onion bread in the breadmaker. We ate it for Sunday brunch, freshly cooked with caramelised onions, tomatoes and sausages.

Home-cooked bread
 Home-cooked bread with caramelised onion, tomato and sausages

Bashing - down the wall in the front garden; the widening-the-driveway saga continues each day...

Driveway wall

Binning - a large amount of paperwork; several years worth of bank statements and associated financial bumpf went into the shredder and lots of other (non-personal) bits and pieces went into the recycling. It's astounding how much paper you seem to accumulate over the years!

What did you get up to at the weekend?


  1. That bread looks scrumdiddlyumptious, send me a slice or two? Maybe with a bit of chutney...and a couple of those sausages?
    M x Life Outside London

    1. Seconded. Can we have some kind of virtual blogger picnic, please? But with real cheesy bread (not virtual). xxx

    2. A bloggers picnic sounds like a fab idea! Somebody should definitely try organising one - I'll bring the sausages and bread :-) xxx

    3. I could always bring some down next time I'm passing Torbaydos? Although I think it might get eaten by some hungry passengers before Exeter :-) xx


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