Thursday 10 April 2014

100 Happy Days #9

The ninth instalment of my attempt to catalogue 100 Happy Days... :-)
Tuesday 1st April

Tickets for Jon Richardson at Weston Super Mare Playhouse
Tonight's comedy show was the fabulously funny Jon Richardson at Weston Super Mare Playhouse.

Wednesday 2nd April

Letter from our consultant
The letter says 'private and confidential' but it was a letter from our consultant (who has the most strange but lovely way with words!)

Thursday 3rd April

Roses at work
My school swot of a friend, M won a box of Roses from a work training session which she very kindly brought back to office for all of us to dive into.

Friday 4th April

Tulips for my grandmother, who passed away 5 years ago on this day (tulips were her favourite flowers).

Saturday 5th April

Tipi bonfire in the garden
Andrew had a bonfire with some of the trees he'd chopped down, he made it into a tipi and was ever so pleased with himself!

Sunday 6th April

Leakage from the Ham and Cheese Pie
Serious leakage from my Ham and Cheese Pie tonight - so much that is was pretty comical!

Monday 7th April

5p flowers at work and a make-your-own-fox kit
One of the girls at work brought in some flowers reduced to 5p from Tesco. And the fox? Well, he arrived very randomly in my friend M's Graze box!

Tuesday 8th April

Recipe storage box
New pretty storage box for all my recipes.

Wednesday 9th April

Andrew clearing the garden
Lots of happy things going on here - daylight at 8pm, a slowly-being-cleared garden and the other half doing all the hard work!

Thursday 10th April
Free food at work
One bonus of having an office next to a foyer hosting executive events is tasty leftovers like this!
Previous instalments can be found here...


  1. A happy floral filled update, granny's tulips are beautiful.
    Bet Jon Richardson was a hoot. His book is still one of my favourites....although we seem to have A LOT in common...
    M x Life Outside London

    1. Aww thanks Michelle - Jon Richardson was fab, really really funny. His whole show is about the fact that he's a 'nidiot' (not an idiot) which is basically someone who's let his life pass him by because he always thinks the worst will happen - worryingly that sounds a lot like Andrew (and I've now taken to saying 'don't be a nidiot' to him!) :-) xx

  2. What a lovely way of remembering your granny- I particularly like the choice of vase :) Looks like your garden is going to be a paradise come summer, thanks to Andrew's efforts (although I have no doubt your input has been equally important, with the preparing of tea and the admiring of teepees etc.). Your office sounds like such a good place to work- flowers, chocolates, surprise foxes, and free lemon pies; does work get any better than that?! xxx

    1. Ha, it is quite good fun in our office - there always seems to be free food lying around :-)
      I think the garden will be very good when it's actually finished, it's the whole "it'll get worse before it gets better" thing at the moment methinks :-) xxx


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