Saturday 21 September 2013

A Little Addiction to Asda...

Ahh, yes, well...over the last few months I appear to have developed a little bit of an obsession with the George at Asda clothing range.

The other night I was just browsing the sale items and thought I'd check out the dresses...which led to checking out the tops...which led to the coats...which led to adding a maroon duffle coat to my online basket.

And what do you know, by the time I went to check out online, somehow, strangely, a dress and a couple of pairs of thermal tights had managed to jump into my basket...

Asda clothes
Duffle Coat - Asda £19 (sadly sold out in maroon but still available in other colours)
Grey Dress - £18

It was then I realised I've probably been one of Asda's best customers over the last year. At the last count, (in addition to what I've just bought), in the last 12 months I've brought home eight dresses, a pair of wedged sandals, two skirts, a pair of black ballerina pumps, one bag, three pairs of pretty pants, a pair of black boots and a cardigan.

That's not too much is it?

To be fair (i.e. trying to justify it to myself) I've worn everything at least once, with the exception of one dress, and quite a few of the dresses have had lots of wear out of them already.

I've always liked Asda's range of clothing, even when I was a teenager, and I've always found them to be quite good quality - some items of clothing and shoes I bought from Asda 10 years ago I still use now.

What do you think of Asda's clothing?
And has anything accidentially "jumped" into your shopping basket recently?


  1. Oh the dress is lovely! Supermarket clothes are a bit lethal really, you just pop out for a loaf and a bit of milk and come back with a new ensemble! I do anyway!
    M x

    1. Yep, I know exactly what you mean! Luckily our nearest shop (a Tesco) only has a really small range of clothes but the Asda in the next town has quite a lot - very dangerous! :-) x

  2. I always think Supermarket clothes are pretty good really considering they're from a Supermarket. I haven't had a chance to look in Asda lately and my local Morrisons doesn't sell clothes. Probably a good thing really otherwise my wardrobes really would be ginormous!!

    1. I agree, I don't think I've ever had anything fall apart from a supermarket; lots of my supermarket clothes have even been worn and washed hundreds of times and still look great!

      My local supermarket doesn't sell many clothes but it's both a blessing and a curse that they all have online stores! :-) x

  3. I do like Asda's clothes, too. Plus, the last time I was there I had to buy trousers two sizes smaller than my usual, so they get plus points for stroking my ego :)

    1. Ha, that's a very good point! I love shops like that, they always get the thumbs up! :-) x


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