Blogland Brilliance
Lots of creativity this week as Rachael stitched herself and her other half into a frame; Laura handmade an Aztec print cami top and Amy finished an actual pair of knitted socks plus is getting on swimmingly with her sky blanket.
Over on Kerri's blog you can meet the new man in her life, Sir Pork Chop.
I'm clearly a bit behind the times as I don't know who Leslie Knope is but I certainly do recognise Harrie's list of annoying clothes problems!
Char is running a Blogger Book Swap if you fancy joining in.
How gorgeous does Kezzie look in her cupcakes dress? Pretty amazing I think.
And Becky summed up perfectly why you should go and make your mark on the 7th May (and seriously, please please do go and vote, even if it's just to go and draw a picture or write rude words on your ballot paper (or even submit a blank one) - all of which still counts as a vote in the government's eyes. If you don't go and vote, as far as the Election is concerned, you've just agreed with whoever gets in - which may or may not be a good thing depending on who wins! You can check out all the different policies over at the excellent Vote for Policies site and take their survey to see who you should vote for. Anyway, lecture over).
Food Porn
Jo's Banoffee Loaf Cake looks pretty tasty (and fairly straightforward).
And Miss Pond's Vanilla and Chocolate Cheesecake recipe looks like a winner for Easter Sunday!
Interesting Info
This thank you letter from a passenger to a pilot is just lovely.
And I take it you all know about Google Maps Pacman? No? Just head on over to Google Maps, search for anywhere you like (ideally somewhere with lots of streets), click on the Pacman box in the bottom left hand corner and then be prepared to waste several hours of your life :-) (from what I can tell on t'internet, it may have been launched for April Fool's Day but it actually does exist and looks like Google will be keeping it active for the foreseeable future!)
Blogs I've followed this week...
Ruby Ruby Slippers
Cocktails and Daydreams (thanks to a post from Elise)
What's new with you?

I don't think I should be playing PacMan at work... but maybe just 5 more minutes :)
ReplyDeleteWhy thank you for the mention! Google pacman was our waste of an evening the other night, fun times playing it around our street that's for sure!
ReplyDeleteYou don't know who Lesl...oh my stars. WATCH PARKS AND REC RIGHT NOW. It is one of my top ten tv comedies of all time.
ReplyDeleteI loved Kezzie's dress too :)
ReplyDeleteLizzie Dripping