Thursday 16 June 2016

A Photo Every Hour - Saturday 26th September 2015

September 2015's photo an hour fell on 26th - and we were off on a coach trip to Big Pit in South Wales!

Here's what the day looked like...

7am - A bright and early start to catch the coach.

8am - Waiting for passengers...

9am - Over the Severn Bridge to Wales!

10am - We've arrived!

11am - Donning our hard hats and safety torches to do the underground tour of the mine.

12pm - At 12pm we were actually underground (where no electrical gadgetry was allowed) but this was the view when we emerged about 12.45pm.

1pm - Wandering round the rest of the museum.

2pm - Onto the next destination, Carleon.

3pm - Dressing up clothes at the National Roman Legion Museum (no adult sizes sadly).

4pm - We found a little café for some afternoon tea.

5pm - And off home we go!

6pm - Back at the first drop off point and it's a gorgeous autumnal evening.

7pm - We decided to go out for a meal at a local pub.

8pm - Off home after dinner.

9pm - Reading up on sciatica (from the 'What to Expect when you're Expecting' book). Thankfully a couple of weeks later, mine cleared up!

10pm - A little bit of knitting and sewing before bed (if you want to see what these turned into and where they ended up, click here...)
 Jane rounded up all the photo an hour people over on her blog...
Also, check out what I was up to in...

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