Wednesday 25 February 2015

Here Is The News #34

Here is the News

Blogland Brilliance

Janet's done her own excellent version of '10 things I'm already good at' - I particularly like 2, 3 and 9.

Danielle's shots of her pooch, Baker are stunning - he is one gorgeous woof!

Kezzie's explained all about the chazzer-crawl (which should definitely be an actual phrase) and shared some of the excellent bits and pieces she picked up along the way.

It's Betty's time of the month over on Michelle's blog and as always, she manages to create a proper laugh-out-loud tale from what must have actually been a very frustrating time!

Sarah's post about how smugness and happiness are not the same thing is well worth a read (listen to her, she speaks the truth) and her post about how to involve the other parent during pregnancy is brilliantly written with lots of excellent tips (and I hope one day, I'll be able to make use of them).

I do like this DIY jewellery hanger which Emma created, although I think I'd need to make a few of them for my necklace collection.

Jen discovered a very old sketchbook belonging to her great uncle, prompting her to delve deeper into doing a spot of family history research.

Rachael wrote all about the things you shouldn't assume your blog followers do, excellent advice and certainly the first item on her list (about Bloglovin) annoys me too!

I could do with Becky's advice about how to write an excellent book review as for someone who's training to be a librarian, I really am pants at writing good reviews.

After Jen's post about her time in New York, we all need to start a campaign to get 'photomentary' into the dictionary!

How cute is Elise's Cornish dormouse tea cosy?

Kerri's take on a 'favourites' post is simply brilliant, it's very Kerri and I was certainly nodding along to all the questions about how to do one.

And if you'd like a crafty Instagram challenge, Kate is running a #makeitmarch one. Lots of prompts and a chance to showcase your craftiness!


Interesting Info

Nice to see that librarian is one of the most desirable jobs in the UK!

An interesting take on disability over on the BBC the other day, telling the story of a woman bringing up her children (one with Down's, one without) without the non-Down's child knowing the other is any different. You don't really think about it but of course, it does make sense as children just see the other person and nothing else.

Food Porn

Cecilia's Coffee and Banana Cake looks delicious - I'm not a fan of coffee the drink but strangely I do like coffee the flavour.

Gwen's Hot Chocolate recipe includes cayenne pepper which I've never actually thought about including before.

Clare's Mars Bar Brownies are just oozing chocolate in her pics!

And after reading Kerri's attempt at Apricot Chicken, I'm quite intrigued to try it myself!

Blogs I've followed this week...

What's new with you?


  1. Agreed - photomentary is an awesome word! Thank you for the mention, I took me by surprised how popular (for my blog at least) that post become! Looking forward to catching up with your other links and your new blog finds tonight!

  2. I read Rachael's post too but my phone was not playing ball with the commenting yesterday- great post!
    I'm not surprised the librarian is a top job. I always had a yearning to be one. Before I got my job at the Royal Academy of Music, I applied to be music librarian at English National Opera- I really wanted that job! Sadly, I didn't have experience , screwed up the questions and I also knew the head of administration (who interviewed me) who doesn't like me! So I was doomed from the start!x
    I can't resist a blog called 'Oh hello!' off over there!
    Thank you for the mention!x

  3. Oh I love these weekly round-ups of yours!

  4. Thanks again for giving me the idea, I found it a real challenge coming up with ten whole things I was good at!

  5. Thanks again for the shout out!

  6. I used to be a librarian and I have to say that I would go back in a heartbeat, despite how much I love teaching.

    Lizzie Dripping

  7. I really like the '10 things I'm good at' posts, might have to borrow the idea too ;) Elise's tea cosy us v.cute and I found Becky's review tips very useful - I do tend to witter on a bit in reviews! Off to catch up with the stuff I missed (these posts really are super handy) X

  8. Wow, I am further behind on reading than I thought..eek!
    Thank you so much for including me again <3



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