Wednesday 3 December 2014

Here Is The News #22

Here is the News

Blogland Brilliance

Rachel has some excellent news to share with everyone.

Zoe's tale of her Positive Pigeons campaign is brilliantly heart-warming.

Janet's post about how to have a conscious Christmas is one everyone should read.

Sophie helped to raise an amazing amount of money at her People and Gardens Fashion Show the other week, I'm so glad it all went well and the last photo in the post (the one of her and Bimble) is fabulous.

Anna put together a list of everything she learnt from Frozen; as someone who only just watched Frozen myself the other month, I found this a really interesting read.

Danielle's done a recipe post for those feathered friends - often forgotten about over the winter months.

I love this scarf Annie's made for her other half - I've no idea what the stitch is but it does look very good!

And for no other reason, just because - here's a picture of Michelle's very-un-festive-looking pup.

Exciting Events

You might have already heard about this but Saturday 6th December is Small Business Saturday in the UK, with the aim of supporting, promoting and inspiring small businesses. Off the top of my head, three bloggers who have amazing little crafty businesses are Anna from Tea with Miss Beatrix, Rebecca from The Pigeon's Nest (although she is on a short break so some of her stuff is out of stock) and Claire from Claireabellemakes. I bought one of Claire's gorgeous bird necklaces last year and was dead chuffed with it, still am in fact!

I'll be supporting small businesses not on Saturday, but on Sunday by shopping at the Frome Independent Market. It's a pretty cool market all year round but the Christmas one is awesome.

Feeling festive yet?

Cat shares her best tips for Christmas gift buying.

Leah-Roxanne has plenty of ideas for gift wrapping along with H & Sammy who've shared lots of photo ideas for making presents look as good as possible.

Em has made some delicious-looking Hot Chocolate Stirrers.

Jen created these excellent Rudolph cupcakes - I love the expressions on them!

Sophie's had the excellent idea of making cakes for everyone for Christmas and first up is her recipe for Banoffee Cake.

How about a Snowman light bulb decoration?

Blogs I've followed this week...

More Than Just A Cupcake Lover

Siobhan Claude Van-Damme


What's new with you?


  1. Thanks for featuring me again! I'm so glad that this post seems to have been liked by many, I love Christmas so much but am very much of the opinion that it can (and should) be much less commercial.

  2. Aw, thanks for the mention Louisa :) those chocolate stirrers look lush and Janet's post was great - a lot of food for thought there. I shall also be supporting small business Saturday on Sunday at the crafty Fox market in Brixton. All this chriatmassy links, I'm definitely starting to feel more festive! X

  3. You're just the biggest sweetheart ever aren't you? Xx

  4. You're a really line and loyal person to those whose blogs you read. That's nice to hear.
    I've visited several of the links you've left and they are great. I hope you are having a lovely December.

  5. Thank you for commenting on my blog. I've been following yours for a while and am really enjoying reading your posts...I think I've read every single one since I started following a few months ago! I particularly like these "In the News" posts, you are amazing at keeping up with the blogging world! All the best with your knitted stockings, I'd love to hear whether you manage all 24 by Christmas Eve :-) xx


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