Monday 18 April 2022

Meet the Photo an Hour-ers

So I've been taking part in 'Photo an Hour' for about 8 and a half years; the first one I ever did was back in September 2013. It was originally set up by Jane from Is That You Darling and she picked the dates but for the last 5 years or so, we've been sharing the job of choosing which dates and I've made a handy pic each January to remind everyone. 

Over the years there's been lots of different people who've joined in, some just for a few months, some who dip in now and again and some who take part almost every time. I thought it would be nice to share all the lovely people who've taken part over the last year - click on the pictures and check them out :-) 

Josie - thefinchsbeak

Jennifer - crochet.potato

Catherine - peasinourthyme

Susie - secondhandsusie (blog link is Second Hand Susie)

Naomi - whatnaomididnext (blog link is What Naomi Did Next)

Sarah - sarahrooftops (blog link is Sarah Rooftops)

Jennifer - pastryandpurls (blog link is Pastry and Purls)

Bev - confuzzledom (blog link is Confuzzledom)

Hazel - hazelxjoy (blog link is World of Joy)

Christine - christine_lucas_2017 (blog link is Christine Lucas)

Jane - itydarling (blog link is Is That You Darling)

If you've never taken part before, it's fairly simple - just post a photo every hour on the chosen date. I'd say nowdays most of us post on Instagram or Instagram Stories but you could post on Twitter or just do a summary on a blog afterwards if you like. And the beauty of the photo an hour challenge is often its mundaneness, everyone posting a cuppa at a similar time for example. Jane wrote this blog post all about it a few years ago, the dates are old but the information and instructions are the same. 

April's photo an hour date is this Saturday, the 23rd - see you there!


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