I spotted the 'Taking Stock' tag on the lovely Michelle's 'Life Outside London' blog last year and then the equally lovely Angela from 'Little Apple Tree' had a go last month.
So, currently (as in, this week) I am...
Making...lists, lots of lists, there's lots of things to do this weekend and next week.
Cooking...not much. Hospital visits, birthday pub dinners and meals from the freezer has meant the oven hasn't been on much at all this week.
Drinking...decaff tea, pineapple juice, milk, no alcohol and lots and lots of water.
Reading...No Fixed Abode by Charlie Carroll
Wanting...the days to hurry up so one way or another, all the treatment will be over with.
Looking...forward to a mini holiday at the seaside in Blue Anchor at the end of March.
Playing...the waiting game.
Wasting...hopefully not much. I hate waste!
Fixing...the burglar alarm in our house which seems to have developed an annoying habit of going off about 2 in the morning.
Deciding...which steam rallies to attend this year.
Wishing...that the flood waters in poor soggy Somerset would begin to recede just a little bit. I think they've probably all had enough now, Rain God!
Enjoying...a day off work tomorrow!
Waiting...for the day when my father-in-law is allowed to eat food again. He's told us he's craving a pint of Strongbow (and for a 73 year old who doesn't really drink, that's pretty impressive) and a Toby Carvery roast dinner.
Liking...Jo Whiley's Live Session with the Magnetic Zeros on Radio 2 on Monday night.
Wondering...how the rest of 2014 will pan out.
Loving...the new series of Call the Midwife on BBC1. My god, how heart-wrenching was last Sunday's episode?
Pondering...what the future may hold.
Considering...which pictures to hang on the wall of our refurbished bedroom.
Watching...TV shows from last September and October.
Hoping...everything goes okay with our treatment over the next couple of weeks.
Marvelling...at what modern medicine can do nowdays.
Needing...a new driveway, a new shower, a new fireplace and perhaps a cleaner?
Smelling...fresh daffodils on my kitchen windowsill.
Wearing...dresses, legging, boots, cardis and scarves.
Following...the slooooow traffic queues in and out of Bath.
Noticing...that already the year just seems to be flying past so quickly.
Knowing...that whatever happens, both myself and Andrew will be okay. We'll pick ourselves up and start all over again. It's a really corny sentiment but it's kind of true.
Thinking...probably too much. Althouugh I'm trying to make them all positive thoughts rather than 'what if's'.
Feeling...excited, anxious, overwhelmed, happy.
Admiring...the photos of the UK storms across the internet. You'd never wish this weather on anyone but some of the pictures are just spectacular and unbelievable.
Buying...a last minute Valentine's card, an RSVP to an evening wedding invite and a birthday card for Andrew's 4 year old godson.
Getting...very very behind with commenting on blog posts - apologies if I've spammed anyone with comments that are 3 weeks out of date!
Bookmarking...several pages of the IKEA catalogue, I've got my eyes on a new sofa either as a celebratory present or a commiseratory present...
Opening...Valentine's cards tomorrow! We do give each other a card but that's about as far as it goes now. When we first met we used to take it in turns to cook each other a meal but that kind of loses it's appeal when you live together and cook every night.
Giggling...at the fact that our Valentine's present tomorrow couldn't be less kinky if we tried - even though it does involves a doctor, a nurse, an ultraound wand, a needle and a hospital appointment!
Let me know if you fancy giving it a go!
And hop on over the lovely Angela and Michelle's blogs to see where I stole the idea from :-)

I'm wishing the rain and floods would stop, too. It's just awful for all those affected and it's going to take ages for everyone's lives to go back to normal. I hope your procedure tomorrow goes well--egg collection? I'd take the timing to be a good omen xx
ReplyDeleteAlmost! It was the final scan - egg collection is early Monday morning. I'm taking the timing of it anyway to be a good omen :-) xx
DeleteWill be thinking of you tomorrow morning. Best of luck to you, and I hope it all goes well xx
DeleteThanks Angela - it wasn't too bad, painful afterwards but I was expecting that anyway! :-) xx