Wednesday 1 November 2017

A Photo Every Hour - Saturday 23rd September

September's photo an hour day was Saturday 23rd, a busy day with family meals, fundraising film events and a carnival in the evening.

Here's what the day looked like...

9am - New favourite TV programme.

10am - Time to tidy up the carnage.

11am - Shower time.

12pm - Out on the road to a local pub for a family meal.

1pm - Waiting for food!

2pm - Someone decided they were too tired for lunch...

3pm - Now playing catch up with lunch (munching on chips) whilst watching Moana at a charity film event.

4pm - I've said it before but it's true, kids really do get all the best clothes.

5pm - The usual cup of tea about this time.

6pm - Off out again, on the way to Frome for the carnival procession.

7pm - First thing in pretty much every carnival procession is a fire engine (also, spot the sort of symmetry in the picture)

8pm - Popping to the shop for a few bits and pieces after the procession.

9pm - And off to bed (which apparently you can't do unless you have one boot on and one boot off)

Jane did the round up for September and also chose October's date - which I blogged about yesterday!

Also, check out what I was up to in...
September 2013 (the very first ever photo an hour I took part in!)


  1. I keep forgetting despite receiving email reminders! Maybe next month, and anyway I didn't have a particularly interesting day this month.
    I've had conversations with two people in the last month about seeing children's clothes any wishing they came in adult sizes, pretty summer dresses especially!

    1. I know - I don't know why clothing manufacturers haven't realised there's a huge market for "childrens" prints in adult sizes!? They'd make a fortune! :-) x


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