Tuesday, 25 February 2025

A Photo Every Hour - Saturday 15th February

Saturday 15th was the date chosen for February's photo an hour. My Mum's birthday would have been the week before so we thought it might be nice to remember her by taking a trip to one of her (and our) favourite seaside spots - Teignmouth in Devon. The day started off a bit rainy and grey but by the time we'd headed down the motorway, it brightened up and the sun started to shine! 

Here's what the day looked like...

15 lovely others joined in:

Bev from Confuzzledom joined in on Instagram
Susie from Second Hand Susie joined in on Instagram
Jane joined in on Instagram Stories
Denise joined in on Instagram Stories
Lucy joined in on Instagram Stories
Nicky joined in on Instagram Stories
Alex joined in on Instagram Stories
Sarah joined in on Instagram Stories
Amy joined in on Instagram Stories
Rebecca joined in on Instagram Stories
Hannah joined in on Instagram Stories
Jennifer joined in on Instagram Stories
Josie joined in on Instagram Stories
Jennifer from Pastry and Purls joined in on Instagram
Danielle from Underland to Wonderland joined in on Instagram Stories
And myself on Instagram and on this blog post :-) 

March's photo an hour date is Saturday 15th - see you there!
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