Friday 31 May 2013

May Happiness

Five things which have made me smile this month...

1. Successfully completing Rosalilium's 'blog every day in May challenge".
A full list of all the challenge blog posts can be found here if you fancy a read.
Blog Every Day in May

2. Booking tickets to see the awesome Russell Kane on his new tour for January next year.
Amazingly he's playing a small theatre in the next town and we've got 5 (very brave) seats in Row C!
Russell Kane Smallness Tour
Image courtesy of

3. A lovely night out with friends for a meal and a book launch - blogged about for Day 14 of the challenge.
Clandestine Cake Club book display

4. Several pieces of vintage-looking china picked up at a car boot sale for 20p each.
Vintage china

5. Wading through the long list of shows I'd like to see at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
So far my list contains 49 ideas - we're only there for 5 days!
Edinburgh Fringe Festival spreadsheet

What little things have made you happy this month?



  1. 20p each for that gorgeous china?! What a great find!

    1. It was! :-) The stall had lots of china and crockery - I think I could've bought lots of matching plates and bowls but I resisted, thinking along the lines of having a mismatched ecletic set of crockery :-) x


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