Tuesday 23 May 2017

A Photo Every Hour - Saturday 20th May

Saturday 20th was the date chosen by me for May's photo an hour; a day spent out and about at a local community arts festival.

Here's what the day looked like...

8am - Early morning reading.

9am - Outfits for the day (mine on the right, hers on the left).

10am - Breakfast!

11am - And the bathtime clean-up afterwards.

12pm - Out and about for a local community festival.

1pm - Free classical music concert in the library :-)

2pm - Lots of fun with instruments!

3pm - Tea and coffee stop at a local church.

4pm - Back home and there's always time for more tea.

5pm - Potato prep for dinner.

6pm - Do you think I have enough cheese?

7pm - We tired her out!

8pm - Still asleep.

9pm - But while she was asleep, I attacked some puzzle geocaches.

10pm - She was clearly very tired!

Jane will be setting the date for June and rounding up the usual suspects so pop over to her blog to take a look!


Also, check out what I was up to in...


  1. Looks like a lovely day, doesn't Lily look happy with those musical instruments!

    1. She loved them! Anything she can bang or shake is an absolute hit! :-) xx


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