Saturday 1 February 2014

52 Lists - Favourite Quotes

Did anyone else have a leaving book when they left school? The sort of thing where all your friends (and some teachers) wrote inspiring messages and wishes for the future?
(or just wrote dodgy notes about your teenage years...)

School Leaving book
I think some of my favourite quotes actually come from my Year 11 leaving book - a true picture of what everyone thought of me and wished for me circa May 1999...

"Make sure you do all the stuff you want to do, otherwise you'll regret it"

School leaving book notes
Absolutely - sound advice and something we could all do to remember!

"Stay with the light!!! (and don't forget to showdown!!)

School leaving book notes
This was from one of my two favourite teachers, my Drama teacher Ms Lewis. I'm not really sure exactly what she was getting at but I like to think it's something along the lines of letting your personality shine bright and not being afraid to be individual (although from what I remember of her, it could well be something completely different!).

"Aim high and enjoy"
 School leaving book notes
I love this quote; it's from my other favourite teacher, Mr McMahon who taught English Language and Literature (it's no wonder that my two favourite school subjects ended up being Drama and English really).
Such a simple phrase but really effective!

"I do hope in the future you will not talk so much"

School leaving book notes
This was actually from a friend who, until I read this aged 16, I wasn't actually aware that I talked a lot. I knew I talked fast (and still do now) although Andrew will swear nowdays that I definitely do talk too much...
"The sardine in the lampshade has no structural integrity"

School leaving book notes
This was from our Science teacher; he put quotes like this in everyone's leaving book and told us all they were scientific riddles that would help us with our exams. 15 years on and I still have no idea what he was on about!
"Kiss a lot of boys" 
 School leaving book notes
Well, I did try when I left school but it only lasted 5 years as I met Andrew when I was 21!

"I have to admit that your sense of humour is sometimes a bit weird to be honest"

School leaving book notes
Well, yep, I probably was considered a bit strange at school...
"I used to picture you as someone who would run a tea shop but after reading your messages in other people's books, I now imagine you writing a book entitled something like "Dr Williams Guide to Hot Sex""
School leaving book notes
This was from a friend I had known since I was 5; I have no idea what on earth I must have written in everyone else's books to give her that idea!
(although to be fair, it probably would be a pretty cool job...)
What were you like when you left school?
Is 16 year old you the same as you nowdays?


  1. I had 2 of these- one when I left my high school in year 11 and one from leaving sixth form in year 13 and my music school. So many random comments and loveliness (and people thought I was strange, clever and nice too!!!)- my favourite quotes were from my history teachers in year 11 and year 13.
    "Kerensky- brilliant, charismatic Politician in Russia 1913- £10 and I'll say the same about you!"
    "Never trust a smiling teacher."- I've pondered over that one. He did have a mysterious smile!!
    Love your ones!x

    1. Thanks Kezzie! They're fab quotes from your history teachers - I love the smiling teacher one! A few people I know are teachers and I'd agree, never trust them! :-) x

  2. I had one of these, I can't remember what anyone wrote though, I think stuff about my hair (it was big!) and that I was always smiling which made people wonder what I was up to (nothing probably, I was just friendly). I will have to find it and have a look! I love, 'The sardine in the lampshade has no structural integrity', how intriguing!

    1. Oh yep, you should look it out! I think I've re-read mine about 5 times since leaving school (probably when I moved house) and there's stuff in there that still makes me smile even now! :-) x

  3. Tea shop owner to sex manual writer is quite a transition! I have a book somewhere from sixth form, and a school shirt from the end of secondary school with scrawlings all over it. Most of the sixth form ones were about my hair - because I had a bright red mullet like Ziggy Stardust :p xxx

    1. The mullet sounds fab! :-) I don't know what I must've written everywhere else, I knew that I'd probably changed a lot during secondary school but you're right, it is quite a transition! :-) xxx

  4. Ha! These are some great quotes! I wish I could figure out the clever riddle from your science teacher. I'm definitely not the same as my 16 year old self; I am much less shy and introverted.

    Jen |

    1. Being less shy and introverted can only be a good thing! :-)
      Our science teacher wrote similar things for everyone - I don't think anyone ever figured them out though! :-) x


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