
Thursday, 7 November 2013

Day 7 - 10 Things

Day 7 of Rosalilium's blog every day in November challenge
10 Things
(No subject prompt today. It's all about lists. Make a list of 10 things.)

10 Things I Swore I'd Never Do When I Grew Up
(all of which I now do...)

1. Think that music and chart hits sounded so much better years ago
2. Make dad-type sounds when getting up and down or out of chairs
3. Reverse the car with one arm round the headrest
4. Look at stuff in the shops and think "crikey, that's more expensive than it used to be"
5. Prefer a nice cup of tea to an alcoholic drink
6. Wonder why all chocolate bars seem much smaller nowdays than years ago
7. Think that staying up late means any time past 10pm
8. Look at teenagers out on a Saturday night wearing very few clothes and think "gosh, they must be cold"
9. Choose shoes based on how comfortable they'll be to wear
10. Use words like, 'gosh', 'blimey' and 'back in the day'

Comedy Carpet at Blackpool

Is there anything you always thought you'd never do? :-)


  1. Chocolate bars totally ARE smaller and 10x more expensive. I spend my life bemoaning how expensive it is to get on the bus and how it was 35p when I was 10 haha!

    1. I know! The most obvious is Yorkie bars - they used to have 6 pieces (spelling out the name) and now they only have 5! :-) x

  2. Oh my, I found myself agreeing to so many of those! Getting into collection vinyl has really made me appreciate old music and just, well nothing compares these days! And give me a cuppa tea and i'm a happy girl, alcohol just makes me sleepy these days.

    1. You can't beat a nice cup of tea! And music on vinyl always sounds better - we have a 1950's jukebox and the crackly noise the 45's make is fab! :-) x

  3. Last time I went to the GP surgery, I found myself wondering why the doctor was 12 years old. And then I wondered when I'd got so old.

    1. Haha, yes, I know the feeling! Some of them look far too young to know anything! :-) x

  4. Right up until I was about 14 I swore I would never have a boyfriend and would much rather live alone with 100 cats, luckily that one has changed! Unfortunately I do find myself doing most of your list too :( Especially the tea one! x

    1. 100 cats is rather a lot! Glad that one's changed :-) x

  5. BAHAHA. YES to all of the above. Except the arm-rest one; I'm a bloomin' hopeless driver even with both hands firmly at 10 and 2 :p xxx

    1. All I do is try not to reverse if at all possible! :-) xxx

  6. That made me chuckle so much :D

  7. Haha this is awesome, and so true. I feel like I've got so old when I tut at kids on the bus making so much noise. I'm only 25!

    1. Haha, I forgot to include that one! I agree though, why do they always have to be so loud? :-) x

  8. Great list :) I make those noises when getting out of a chair. I wish I didn't but they just pop out!

    Janey x

    1. I know, even as I'm making those noises I'm thinking how old I must sound! :-) x

  9. Heh. I do a worrying amount of these. I also achieved full parent status the other day when I told Lucas to take off his hat and gloves in the car or otherwise he wouldn't "feel the benefit"!

    1. Haha, that's fab! I always remember as well being told off for not drying my hair properly after swimming at our local pool - beacuse "if you go out with wet hair, you'll catch a cold!" :-) x

  10. Oh Louisa, you've made us cringe. I'm sat in bed with the laptop and both the boy and I have agreed with every single one. Oh dear, I suddenly feel very old!

    1. Ahh, sorry about that!
      I think we're just wiser and more experienced in life, that's a good way of thinking about it! :-)
