Monday 21 June 2021

Going MAD in Stratford upon Avon

This is almost the last of the 'stuff we did years ago' posts, I promise. Although to be fair, life was probably much more interesting back then than right now...

So somewhere else we visited whilst in Stratford upon Avon back in 2015 was the MAD Musuem. MAD stands for Mechanical Art and Design and it's a fascinating place, quite interactive and full of fun things to watch, poke, play with and do. If you're not sure what mechanical art and design actually is, think Wallace and Gromit's inventions or all the things Caractacus Potts creates in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. 

With the other half being a mechanical engineer, it was right up his street and we spent a good couple of hours wandering around and trying out all the different things. It's the sort of place where it's not just the main exhibits you need to look at, you also end up spotting things in the corner of rooms or around the ceiling. 

I put together a short video of some of the exhibits inside the museum if you fancy seeing some of them in action. 

It probably doesn't get as much publicity as the Shakespeare Museum but it's definitely worth visiting (and you can still visit with using Tesco Clubcard Reward tokens too).



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