
Wednesday, 4 June 2014

The Midweek Hop - Operation Neptune

Three music videos on a theme...
(inspired by Desmond Carrington's 'The Music Goes Round')

This weeks theme is...Operation Neptune
Inspired by the D-Day 70th anniversary celebrations happening on Friday 6th June and during the weekend around the country (sorry, not much rock and roll this week!)

1. Thing-Ummy-Bob by Gracie Fields

'Thing-Ummy-Bob' is from 1942 and was popularised by Gracie Fields.

2. American Patrol by Glenn Miller

'American Patrol' is a popular march from 1885 which was turned into a swing arrangement with Glenn Miller reaching Number 15 in the US Billboard Hot 100 Chart in 1942. .

3. We'll Meet Again by Vera Lynn

'We'll Meet Again' is from 1939 and ended up being one of the most famous songs of the Second World War.
Happy listening!

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