
Wednesday, 26 March 2014

The Midweek Hop - Time Goes By

Three music videos on a theme...
(inspired by Desmond Carrington's 'The Music Goes Round')

'Ami Continental 2' 1962 Jukebox
'Ami Continental 2' 1962 Jukebox
This weeks theme is...Time Goes By
Inspired by the clocks springing forward in the UK on Saturday into Sunday night. Don't forget everyone!

1. Rock Around The Clock by Bill Haley and His Comets

The classic 'clock and time' themed rock and roll song!
'Rock Around The Clock' first entered the chart on 17th January 1955 reaching Number 17 but later re-entered the chart on 14th October reaching Number 1.

2. Good Timin' by Jimmy Jones

Here's hoping you all don't forget to 'spring forward' and have good timing on Sunday :-)
'Good Timin'' entered the chart on 16th June 1960 reaching Number 1.

3. Turn! Turn! Turn! by The Byrds

Just remember, 'spring forward, fall back'...
'Turn! Turn! Turn!' entered the chart on 11th November 1965 reaching Number 26.
Happy listening!

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