
Friday, 28 February 2014

February Happiness

Five things which have made me smile this month...
1. Daffodils, at home and at work!

2. This chirping bird which Andrew bought as a little Valentine's Day present for me.
Little tweeting bird
3. A lovely Valentine's Day tea date at Penfold's Kitchen in Bristol.
Lemon drizzle cake and hot chocolate
4. Lots of comedians and shows - Punt and Dennis at the beginning of the month, Russell Howard last weekend and a live performance of Radio 4's Any Questions this evening.

Tickets to shows
5. We got throught all the IVF treatment okay and none of it was quite as bad as I was expecting.
All we have to do now is wait - neither of us will know what the outcome is til next weekend and if it's okay with everyone, regardless of whether it's a good or bad result, it's something I don't think I'll share on here just for a few weeks. Whatever happens, we'll both need a bit of time to get our heads around it!

Final bit of IVF treatment
What little things have made you happy this month?


  1. I'm sending out all the best thoughts in the world for you both!

    Jane x

    1. Ditto to Jane's lovely comment :) Keeping everything crossed for you both! Make sure you keep your strength up with plenty of cake! xxx

    2. And thank you Katie (you're both truly lovely ladies) - I will make sure to eat lots of cake whatever happens! :-) xxx

  2. Thinking of you both! I have a lovely picture in my head of you popping up in nine months time with a surprise baby picture. I so hope that happens xx

    1. Ha, that's exactly what Sofia (from Sofia's Journal) did a few months ago - she blogged about how she'd been a bit busy recently and included a pic of her newborn. It was very strange, you didn't think anything of it until it dawned on you that she hadn't posted any pics of herself for about 6 months! :-) xx

  3. I'll be keeping my fingers corssed for the both of you, I truely hope it'll all work out! x
