
Tuesday 25 June 2024

A Photo Every Hour - Saturday 22nd June 2024

June's photo an hour date fell on Saturday 22nd - and it was a lovely sunny day! One of our local recycling centres recently opened a reuse shop and we had a shopping list of a comfy chair for Lily's bedroom and a bigger scooter for her so we explored there in the morning. We managed to find both items at a relatively good price! £15 for the chair and £3 for the scooter so that wasn't bad at all. In the afternoon we headed over to (what was) my Mum's house to do some sorting, clearing and tidying. And in the evening we visited my Dad in his nursing home and then headed home via some local share & reuse boxes. 

Here's what the day looked like...

10 lovely others joined in:

Valerie joined in on Instagram
Jennifer joined in on Instagram
Bev from Confuzzledom joined in on Instagram
Susie from Second Hand Susie joined in on Instagram
Hannah joined in on Instagram Stories
Lucy joined in on Instagram Stories
Jane joined in on Instagram Stories
Rebecca joined in on Instagram Stories
Denise joined in on Instagram Stories
Danielle from Underland to Wonderland joined in on Instagram Stories
And myself on Instagram and on this blog post :-) 

July's photo an hour date is Saturday 20th - see you there!

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