
Tuesday, 25 April 2023

A Photo Every Hour - Saturday 15th April 2023

Saturday 15th was the date chosen for April's photo an hour. We'd been on holiday in North Wales for the Easter break and that day we were travelling back home to the South West. 

Here's what the day looked like...

14 lovely others joined in:

Sarah joined in on Instagram
Jennifer joined in on Instagram
Andrea joined in on Instagram
Hazel from World of Joy joined in on Instagram
Bev from Confuzzledom joined in on Instagram
Jennifer from Pastry and Purls joined in on Instagram
Susie from Second Hand Susie joined in on Instagram
Christine from Christine Lucas joined in on Instagram
Sharon from Sunshine and Celandines joined in on Instagram
Jane joined in on Instagram Stories
Denise joined in on Instagram Stories
Alex joined in on Instagram Stories
Nicky joined in on Instagram Stories
Lucy joined in on Instagram Stories
And myself on Instagram and on this blog post :-) 

May's photo an hour date is Saturday 20th May - see you there!